What Is USANA Auto Order
Save $$ with USANA Auto Order
USANA Auto Order is a pre-set order for USANA members (Distributors or Preferred Customers) to order prodducts regularly at discount prices. The Auto Order date must be a weekend day. USANA company processes all Auto Orders during the weekend and ship the orders on the following Monday.
Auto Order cycle is 4 weeks or 8 weeks. If the Auto Order is not modified (date or products), the same products will be ordered automatically after 4 weeks or 8 weeks (depending your selection of 4 or 8 week cycle).
A regular USANA products user normally just modify the products in the Auto Order, but the Auto Order date also can be brought forward or postponed to different weekend. It is very flexible.
The discount rate is 10% off the member prices (called Preferred Prices) for most products exclusing the discounted pack (no further discount).
Auto Order can be easily set up when logging in your USANA account. You also can cancel the Auto Order at any time.